Guide on Dog Calming Collar

What Is A Dog Calming Collar?

A calming collar is a collar that will help your dog relax and be less agitated when they go through challenging situations. These collars look like any other collar but they will help your pet be more relaxed and even happier. Most of these dogs come at a budget-friendly price and can be used for up to four weeks.

These calming collars will not just reduce anxiety and stress but will also reduce the fear of loud noises. Your dog will not get startled and stressed when they hear fireworks or when there is a thunderstorm. As a result of this, you will love to spend more time with your furry friend and you will become better friends than ever before. If you are going to change locations or go on a vacation with your puppy, such a collar can help them enjoy these changes along with you and not get stressed or scared by them.

How Does It Work?

If you never used a calming collar for your dog, you might wonder how are they working. The concept is rather simple and you will not have to worry too much because it is the same for most collars with these calming properties.

These calming collars are made with a perfect blend of pheromones and dried herbs which allow them to release the right fragrance to calm your dog. In some cases, you will feel this fragrance as well but there are also collars that are odorless. This combination of pheromones and plants sometimes comes with essential oils that empower its effects. The collar is activated as soon as it gets in contact with the body of your dog because it reacts to the warmth.

Your dog should be able to feel more relaxed within one hour of wearing this collar. The longest time for such calming collars is usually up to 30 days. After this time you will have to replace the collar.

Types Of Dog Calming Collars

These calming collars come in a wide variety of models. They have different properties and they can accommodate different dogs as well. So, before investing in one of these products, here are the main categories that you can choose from!

Collars with no fragrance

There are calming collars that are completely odorless. Not many of them have this property but you have real chances of finding them. You should always check the description of the product before purchasing it. The manufacturer will specify if the calming collar is odorless as well as the ingredients that is made of.

Collars with fragrance

Most calming collars come with a specific fragrance. This fragrance is given by the pheromones as well as the essential oils and dried herbs used to create its calming effects. Make sure to choose a type of fragrance that you know will not bother you or your puppy. This category of calming collars is very widely spread and you will find many models to choose from.

Calming collars with recovery properties

There are also calming collars that come with useful recovery properties. If your dog went through a surgery or if they have a wound of any kind, choosing such a collar might be the best decision for them. By getting such a collar you help them reduce stress during the recovery process and also heal faster since they will not be able to reach their wounds. You can find a very good quality collar from this category in the list above.

Benefits Of Using A Calming Collar For Dogs

Using a calming collar can have a great positive impact on your dog. If you use it in the right situations, you can avoid other serious issues that can be generated by stress or anxiety. Here are the most important benefits of a calming collar that your dog will thank you for!

  • Your dog will be more relaxed. While your dog will wear such a calming collar they should be more relaxed and they will enjoy daily activities a lot more. These collars can reduce stress and anxiety by up to 90 % which means the behavior of your dog will change tremendously. Your dog might go through such behavior problems as a result of a certain situation or they might just have a hyperactive personality. In both cases, you will be able to keep that under control by having them wear a calming collar.
  • Your dog will not get scared by loud noises. There are dogs that get easily scared by different noises such as fireworks or thunderstorms. If you have your dog wearing a good calming collar, they will be a lot more relaxed as you enjoy a good party or during an unexpected storm. And this is much better for both their health and your peace of mind!
  • You can help your pet move past a stressful situation a lot easier. There are events in life that will have an unpleasant impact on your dog. For instance, if you are going to move to a new home, a new city, or a different country. Or maybe you are going to bring another pet to your household. And even when your dog goes through a health problem that creates them discomfort such as surgery. In all these situations, a calming collar can help your pet move past the stress and anxiety and be a lot more well-behaved.
  • Such a collar can reduce barking and chewing. Do you have one of those puppies or even mature dogs that like to bark a lot and chew everything in your house? If this is the case, one way to keep them under control is by having them wear a calming collar. These collars will help them stop barking so often and chew all they can get their paws on. Calm dogs don’t have such behavior and they are not so frenetic.

Factors To Consider When Buying A Calming Collar For Dogs

There are dog owners that never invested in such a calming collar and in this case, it can be challenging to know what to look for. Here are some of the most important factors that you should consider before pulling your credit card out.

  • The ingredients used to create the calming collar

These calming collars can contain many different ingredients. Some are based on natural ingredients such as essential oils, dried plants, or pheromones. Other products might contain certain chemicals to enrich their effects. What you choose is up to your personal preferences but you should always make sure that such a collar is not harming your dog. Most dog owners prefer the natural calming collars that are also hypoallergenic because they don’t give addiction to the dog.

  • The time the calming effects will last

The manufacturer will specify in the description of the product the time that the calming collar will have an effect on your dog. Most of these collars are efficient for 30 days. After this time you will have to replace it with a new one because it will not have the calming effect anymore.

  • How comfortable it is for your dog

Choose a calming collar that will fit your dog perfectly. The size of the collar is very important for the comfort of your pet. This collar shouldn’t be too tight but it shouldn’t be too loose either. Check the size chart to decide which size will be the best for your dog.

  • The price

The price of such a product it is very important because you will most likely have to replace it. Once the calming effects are over, you need to invest in a new calming collar. And if you find one that your dog is happy with, you might want to keep purchasing it. Make sure that you afford to buy such a product as often as your pet needs it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Do I need to use calming spray or treats for dogs?

Answer: Yes, especially if your dog suffers from severe anxiety or stress levels. If this is the case for your dog, you can consider using Calming Treats. You can use the calming spray as well but the treats tend to be a lot more effective. They also offer more satisfaction for your pet.

Question: Can dog calming collars hurt my dogs?

Answer: No, unless you choose them in the wrong size. If the collar is too tight or too large yes, it could be uncomfortable and even harmful. But if the size is perfect for your dog, they will not even know that they are wearing such a collar they will just enjoy its benefits.

Question: How long does a dog calming collar last?

Answer: Usually a calming collar can last up to a month. But there are models that will last more or less. It is important to check the description of the product so you know exactly what you are investing in. However, it might be challenging to find a calming collar that lasts more than 30 days.

Question: What is the best way to clean the collar? 

Answer: These calming collars don’t need to be cleaned unless extreme situations happen like your dog rolling through the mud for instance. Otherwise, they can last for a month without being cleaned. However, if you do need to clean such a collar all you have to do is use water. It is not indicated to use soap or wash it in the washing machine because you can damage its properties.

Final Thoughts

If your dog is stressed, anxious, or barks without control, investing in a calming collar will be just what you need to do to help them. While they use the calming collar they should feel a lot more relaxed and even happier. They will enjoy their walks more and they will not get scared as easily. By following the information in this guide, you will most likely end up with the best calming collar for dogs and you will enjoy a much calmer dog. To get a list of top recommended dog collars, visit Dog Lovers Pup for the best calming collar review.

Your dog will be able to go through the stressful situations that might come up in life a lot easier and with less anxiety by using either one of these products. So, invest in a calming collar and help your pet be the relaxed and cheerful dog that you love to spend time with!